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Is it possible to retreive a file connected to a work order

We would like to get a file already attached to a Corrigo work order and pull it over to another system (MCIM.) Is this possible? And if so, what commands?

Update Billing Rule on WO

Is their a command to update the Billing Rule of a WO? I can't find an example of this so I'm wondering if this command is possible via the API?

DTZ Quest - Customer Invoice/Internal Invoice Field Manual Update

Hello, This is for the DTZ Quest database. We have a API set up that updates the internal invoice #. It logs in using the user "Web Services, Data Power" (login: wsdk_datapwr). For invoice 60641 the API isn't updating that number. The number is a concatenation of the database name, and the ID # of the Corrigo invoice. 1. Are you able to update the field manually? 2. Any insight on why this may be happening? Thank you

Creating a WO Completion Note

Hi! Can you please provide me with a sample of how I would create a WO completion note? Can I do this as a part of the WOCompleteCommand (POST) or does it need to be its own PUT query?

When I try to create work order, I was not seeing the Description field populated, it stayed empty.

Posted on behalf of : [email protected] who is active integration developer. Please refer the API request body and the screenshot for the WO created by the API call below. What do I need to pass in the request body to make sure the Create WorkOrder API populates correct Description in Corrigo? And which API to use if we need to update the description later for an existing work order? { "Command" : { "WorkOrder" : { "Items" : [ { "Asset" : { "Id" : 784583 }, "Task" : { "Id" : 15651 } } ], "Contactid":14200, "Description":"Testing WorkOrder description", "TaskRefinement":"Testing WorkOrder description", "ContactName" : "Reginald Doppelhong", "ContactAddress" : { "AddrTypeId" : "Contact", "Address" : "214-555-5555" }, "TypeCategory" : 4, "TimeZone": 4, "SubType" : { "Id" : 259 }, "Customer" : { "Id" : 5609 } }, "ComputeSchedule" : true, "Comment" : "Testing create WO create API" } } Response for create API : { "CommandResult": { "Wo": { "Number": "BIOT00008", "TypeCategory": "Request", "WorkOrderCost": { "Id": 429983 }, … }

Add a Refrigerant Circuit to an Equipment Asset

Hi! Is there a way to add a refrigerant circuit to an equipment asset using the API? I was able to add warranties, but I don't see refrigerant in the Data Model of Entities.

Employee Data Model Doesn't Include Reports To data

On a User (aka Employee) in Corrigo, there is a "Reports To" field where another user can be selected to indicate that a given employee reports to the other user. This Reports To field is not in the Employee data model via the API. What needs to be done or support ticket entered to get this added to the API Employee data model?

Can I designate an assignee in a WoCreateCommand via API?

Hello, I'm working on a project where I am integrating automatic work orders based on an analytics system. I have a sucessfull one-way integration, where I can communicate to Corrigo and use the WoCreateCommand to generate tickets. However, I can't seem to figure out how to designate an account to assign the tickets to. I have figured out auto-assign using the following: AutoAssignEnabled: true ComputeAssignment: true But this does not help me very much. I'd like to be able to do something along the lines of: AssignTo: Example User Is there a way to do this?

API ERROR : 500 Can't map WoItem asset 'Space/Workstation'"

We are getting this error for location: EXPEDIA0197. We have tried using different assets and tasks but still the same error. Endpoint : https://am-helper.corrigo.com/jll-wfs/WoCreateCommand Payload body : { "commandRequest": { "type": "WoCreateCommand", "WorkOrder": { "SubType": { "DisplayAs": "Reactive Maintenance" }, "Customer": { "TenantCode": "EXPEDIA0197" }, "MainAsset": { "ID": "63264" }, "Items": [{ "Asset": { "Name": "Space/Workstation" }, "Task": { "DisplayAs": "Add" }, "Comment": "This is a demo WO description, ignore " }], "ContactName": "TestContact", "ContactAddress": { "Address": "hi***@expediagroup.com", "ActorTypeId": "Employee", "AddrTypeId": "Contact" }, "CustomFields": [ { "Descriptor":{ "Name":"ServiceNow Number", "ActorTypeId":"WO" }, "Value": "12345" } ], }, "ComputeSchedule": "true", "ComputeAssignment": "true" } } Output : 500 : {"type":"Exception","message":"Can't map WoItem asset 'Space/Workstation'"} Can someone help in resolving this error? We contacted [email protected], they asked us to reach out here. Thankyou.

Is it possible to get historical price list data via the API?

I see information about getting current price list data, but nothing in reference to the historical price list data. This would be nice since we are heavy users within MES and I need to know the historical price rates.