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message not getting pushed to ABM queues

As part of our testing, we have created a WO 121500004. But we are not getting any event message pushed to our EventQueue, please see the architecture below.

Ned details for WO Filter

API Details required for Assignments

  1. Please provide API details to get the details of to whom the task is assigned to (Who is doing the work?).
  2. Also, ("ComputeSchedule": true) is this used for Schedule? Should we mention true or false
  3. For schedule, who is doing the work from the below screen, what are the respective properties we need to use to pass these values in create work order request payload

Asset Tree By Child - Returns no rows

Client: Salesforce

API Details for WO Status history

Need an API Endpoint to get the detailed history of a particular work order with all the details (Acknowledged, Submitted, Work Completed etc.)

Need API details for Apply/Filter in WO feedList

Please share endpoint for Apply/Filter in WO feedList.

API Details - Actions after submitting WO

Need API details for submit WO for TypeCategory

Please share endpoints details for WO different type Category like (Request Details, Submitted, Acknowledged, Work Started, Work Completed, Verified)

Need API details for Attachment

Please share API Details for Create WO for Uploading Attachment.

Get WOs that are not Picked Up from WorkOrder API
