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Internal Cost BillZero Field

I may be missing something, but when pulling Internal Cost detail on a give WO, I'm not seeing a field or value for the BillZero toggle that is in the front end.

Running the following query as a post request:

cost_detail_url = base_url+'api/v1/query/WorkOrderCost'

cost_detail_query = {
'QueryExpression': {
'Criteria': {
'Conditions': [
'PropertyName': 'Items.TypeId',
'Operator': 'Equal',
'Values': ['Cost']
'PropertyName': 'ID',
'Operator': 'Equal',
'Values': [1148305]
'FilterOperator': 'And'
'Distinct': True,
'PropertySet': {'Properties': ['Items.*']},
'Count': 20,
'FirstResultIndex': 0

This returns internal cost detail and I can see a field for "NonBillable". But I'm not seeing "BillZero" field. Do I need to adjust my query or request? Or is this BillZero field missing from the API?