could not get the response back getting empty
issue with https://previewabmworks.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/Invoice?Id=165200014&properties=BillingContact.*
https://oauth-pro-v2.corrigo.com/OAuth/token - genereated token using this URL and used the same to get the billing contact details above, can you please help us
Create Update an asset
Hello, I am reviewing the documentation, but I can’t find a way to create or update an asset. Also, what does "asset" refer to, and what is it related to?
Testing a endpoint need token generator URL from your end
WO Action Log
Due By Modifed action records the From/To date time in the Comment. Although this seems to be a system generated text, it has multiple variants -- language and date formats.
Updating a Custom Field
Hi All,
Set NTE?
Can the NTE be set with the API? Looking to set a more accvurate NTE with automated work roders
sample request for https://oauth-pro-v2.corrigo.com/OAuth/token
can i have a sample request details for the
Duplicate index value for procedure
Hello - I'm getting an error that is unclear to me. can you help me debug this? This is the request that I'm sending:
PUT Document - Keep the same URL