Include Child Work Orders in WO Query?
Is there a way to include work orders listed in the Children section with a work order query?
Setting Due Date on a Work Order via the API
Hi, we have an integration between ServiceNow and Corrigo where facilities related tickets are submitted in ServiceNow which then creates a Work Order in Corrigo and ticket updates in SNOW are sent to the API to update the associated Work Order (eg. comments). There is a requirement to set the Due Date on the Corrigo Work Order when the Due Date on the Requested Item in ServiceNow changes. We engaged with support on this, and the proposed solution required major changes to our existing integration and payloads, and requires several more API calls on top of the 5 or so we already have to make. Being able to set a due date on a Work Order seems like it should not require such extensive changes. How would you recommend we accomplish this with minimal changes to our existing integration.
Need help to filter customer/space record based off of Customer.Number and Spaces.Asset.Name
I've below API call that is not filtering rows based off of Spaces.Asset.Name - In the output I would like to see only one record - for Customer - "TOR02" & Space - "01"
Not getting any reponse while retriving the Invoice details. The value (2476700090) is the Number from the WorkOrder API response
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:int="http://corrigo.com/integration/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<int:RetrieveMultiple><int:queryExpression xsi:type="int:QueryExpression" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<int:PropertySet xsi:type="int:PropertySet"><int:Properties>
<int:anyType xsi:type="xsd:string">2476700090</int:anyType>
could not get any info for invoice information
could not get the response back getting empty
issue with https://previewabmworks.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/Invoice?Id=165200014&properties=BillingContact.*
https://oauth-pro-v2.corrigo.com/OAuth/token - genereated token using this URL and used the same to get the billing contact details above, can you please help us
Create Update an asset
Hello, I am reviewing the documentation, but I can’t find a way to create or update an asset. Also, what does "asset" refer to, and what is it related to?
Testing a endpoint need token generator URL from your end
WO Action Log
Due By Modifed action records the From/To date time in the Comment. Although this seems to be a system generated text, it has multiple variants -- language and date formats.