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I have some code that I was running last week that worked fine, but now I'm getting the DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH (ErrorMessage': 'Requests to the instance Preview JLL MES NA cannot be processed by this URI') error. Our staging instance was recently updated to 9.8.283 and I seem to be getting this error after the update. I'm using the https://am-ce98a.corrigo.com/api/v1 to send requests to. I also tried exicuting a command (GetCompanyWsdkUrlCommand) to discover the url, but I'm also getting the same DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH error. Any thoughts or help would be great. Thanks.

Intellicommand Product Integration

Today, we also issue work orders into Corrigo for certain types of events and we’d like to be able to add a link in the IntelliCommand mobile app associated with a Corrigo work order that when clicked would launch the Corrigo mobile app and take the technician directly to that work order. The expectation is that Corrigo send back a link to the intellicommand application that will allow the work order to be viewed at a detailed level for the technician.

Is there an API method to download documents from Corrigo?

Is there an API method to download documents from Corrigo? For example, we'd like to download and attach to an email a PDF. The PDF is in a work order, in the Documents section. Is there a method to download the document? Thanks Juan

WorkOrder and WoEstimate information Together

Is it possible to pull WorkOrder and WoEstimate data together. In the documentation for WorkOrder Entity, it mentions Estimate, but when pulling base WorkOrder info, Estiamte (or an estimate Id) isn't included. I can also pull all WoEstiamte via a post to base_url+'api/v1/query/WoEstimate' But lets say I wanted all Open Work Orders and the WoEstimate data. I know how to write a query for all open work orders, but since WoEstiamte doesn't have WO status, I'd end up having to pull all WoEstimates and then outside of the API tie the 2 together via WorkOrderId. This is an issue because there is a 4000 record limit. To avoid hitting this limit for WoEstimate query, is it possible to write a query to WorkOrder entity and do sometime of join to include WoEstimate data in the request? Thanks.

API limit on file size

We have an API set up in production for a new app the P&G folks have rolled out (MyWorkplace) to allow the customer to submit certain types of work orders. They are having trouble attaching pictures to the work order. They get an error in the API if the file size is over 3MB. Is there a limit on the file size and can it be increased?

RepairCode is not in data returned from https://am-ce911c.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/WorkOrder?ID=xxxxxxxxx

repaircode is referenced here in workorder entity: <https://developer.corrigo.com/reference/entities-2#workorder> but i can't find it in the work order returned from above endpoint

Error from Corrigo API when adding time to a work order

We are getting the following error when adding time to a work order via the API: could not load an entity: [Corrigo.BO.Employee.NhEmployee#369] [SQL: SELECT nhemployee0_.Id as id1_134_0_, nhemployee0_.ConcurrencyId as concurrencyid2_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsRemoved as isremoved3_134_0_, nhemployee0_.Uidx as uidx4_134_0_, nhemployee0_.DisplayAs as displayas5_134_0_, nhemployee0_.FirstName as firstname6_134_0_, nhemployee0_.LastName as lastname7_134_0_, nhemployee0_.RoleId as roleid8_134_0_, nhemployee0_.AllCommAccess as allcommaccess9_134_0_, nhemployee0_.LanguageId as languageid10_134_0_, nhemployee0_.LocaleId as localeid11_134_0_, nhemployee0_.ActorTypeId as actortypeid12_134_0_, nhemployee0_.Login as login13_134_0_, nhemployee0_.DtPwdChange as dtpwdchange14_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonInvitedOn as woninvitedon15_134_0_, nhemployee0_.Instructions as instructions16_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonMemberId as wonmemberid17_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonLocationId as wonlocationid18_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonServiceRadius as wonserviceradius19_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsElectronicPayment as iselectronicpayment20_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonStatusID as wonstatusid21_134_0_, nhemployee0_.LabelID as labelid22_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsFreeText as isfreetext23_134_0_, nhemployee0_.WonRadiusType as wonradiustype24_134_0_, nhemployee0_.Pwd as pwd25_134_0_, nhemployee0_.Number as number26_134_0_, nhemployee0_.JobTitle as jobtitle27_134_0_, nhemployee0_.FederalId as federalid28_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsInactive as isinactive29_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsResetPwd as isresetpwd30_134_0_, nhemployee0_.UtcDeviceReset as utcdevicereset31_134_0_, nhemployee0_.OrgID as orgid32_134_0_, nhemployee0_.IsIntApiUser as isintapiuser33_134_0_, nhemployee0_.SkipIpFiltering as skipipfiltering34_134_0_, nhemployee0_.ExternalId as externalid35_134_0_, nhemployee0_.TaxWarnOnly as taxwarnonly36_134_0_, nhemployee0_.BillZero as billzero37_134_0_, nhemployee0_.ProviderTypeID as providertypeid38_134_0_, nhemployee0_.TaxExempt as taxexempt39_134_0_, nhemployee0_.ReportsToID as reportstoid40_134_0_, nhemployee0_.LimitPortfolioID as limitportfolioid41_134_0_ FROM dbo.EmployeeObject nhemployee0_ WHERE nhemployee0_.Id=?] The employees exist in Corrigo and have had time added before. Any ideas? Thanks, Juan

Create work order type of Preventative Maintenance

On the CyrusOne account we are using MCIM to manage our assets and preventative maintenenace. The MCIM software has an interface to Corrigo where it creates work orders. But every work order they create is a Request. They would like the ablity to create a PM type of work order, under certain cercumstances. Is that possible? If possible, what change needs to be made to their payload?

Can not working with Sandbox

Hi there. I have got an error with sand box. I used your apis in https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/18831016/UVsEWpoM. There are errors when I tried to call your api { "ErrorMessage": "Requests to the instance RDC CE Sandbox cannot be processed by this URI", "ErrorCode": "DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH", "TimeStamp": "2022-08-08T03:51:24.3950568Z" } How can I deal with that error ? Thanks

Event Notification/Service/Plugin

We're looking to setup event services to have Corrigo push data to our other internal services when Work Orders are created and then later assigned. In the documentation I can see: "Event Plugins are installed at Corrigo, by Corrigo Integration Services, and they are registered for specific Companies." However I would like further information on the process for setting up these service notifications.