Unable to Fetch BillingContact.DisplayAs using the Rest API for those which were created through Mass Import Process but able to fetch for those created Via Corrigo Portal
Hi Corrigo Experts,
I'm having trouble retrieving the last 5 workorders for a store number.
API Payload for the minimum ID
What is the payload syntax to determine the minimum ID for an entity? I am able to determine the maximum ID for an entity.
Associating Contact into a Billing Account as a Primary Contact
Could you please provide the solution for:
Issue Assigning Tech to Order in Corrigo API
I'm trying to use the API to create work orders in Corrigo. However, I am unable to assign technicians to the work order.
Accessing cloud documents via API
Documents added to entities in Corrigo are data elements that can be accessed in the base/query Document API calls. Of particular interest for us on the JLL Cisco account are accessing cloud stored documents.
Child Work orders
Can the Rest Api create child work orders?
How do we retrieve nested endpoints
I am trying to retrieve Rates and Amounts from a few endpoints but found that they are returning "None". Here is an example Python code for the get request.
Document uploaded via API - make available on client portal
Issue with Document Upload to Procedure Template Step