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Completion Note payload

Per earlier submission that needs additional clarity regarding the payload for sending completion note upon resolution: <https://developer.corrigo.com/discuss/65b7e55dbbd20f004ddf2ed4> Are you saying I should replace: { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id //The WO ID }, WITH: "Body": "Sample text", "WorkOrderId": 15167, "NoteTypeId": 1, //Constant for completion note "Id": 0 Or should the additional payload be within the commandRequest parameters, like this? { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID "Body": "Sample text", "WorkOrderId": 15167, "NoteTypeId": 1, //Constant for completion note "Id": 0 }, I just need to know the full payload to send on resolve 😊

Set and remove WO Flags via API

Hi, I am able to query and return the flags set agaist a WorkOrder using the query API and the WoFlag entity. I am trying to set a new flag against a WorkOrder, and also remove a Flag - using the base API POST and DELETE methods. However, I am getting the response that these are not supported by the WoFlag Entity. See my responses received at the foot of this message. My questions is, is there a method to set and remove flags from a WorkOrder via API? Thanks again for your help. <br> Responses: { "ErrorMessage": "Create operation is not supported by WoFlag entity.", "ErrorCode": "ERROR_CODE_1000", "TimeStamp": "2024-04-10T13:50:29.5806831Z" } <br> { "ErrorMessage": "Delete operation is not supported by WoFlag entity.", "ErrorCode": "ERROR_CODE_1000", "TimeStamp": "2024-04-10T13:42:17.0226544Z" }

Update Activity Log when uploading document via API

Hi, When a user uploads a document to a WorkOrder manually via Corrigo UI, the action is also captured in the Activity Log on the WO. However, when I upload a document using the API, the upload is not recorded in the Activity Log on the WorkOrder. Is there a way to also capture this activity when uploading via the API? For the API call, it is based on: <https://developer.corrigo.com/reference/post#document-example> And my specific command to upload a PDF Binary is, using POST method: { "Entity": { "ActorId": 68064, "ActorTypeId": "WO", "Title": "PDF report from Binary", "IsShared": false, "IsPublic": false, "StorageTypeId": "Cloud", "DocType": {"DisplayAs":"Picture" }, "Blob":{ "Body": "PDF_BINARY(REDACTED)", "FileName":"BinaryPdfAsPicture.pdf" } } }

How to delete attribute in asset?

Request: ```curl curl --location --request DELETE 'https://am-ce913a.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/AssetAttribute?ID=53128' \ --header 'CompanyName: Sandbox Whole Foods' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJBdXRoZW....' \ --header 'Cookie: nav_track=d-c7bqoDvKh23*6uusMHgHPjyCDVqt9CSidnHkPjr*AptXHUx6aMmEfDYNpsQqCPi-d' ``` Response: ```json json { "ErrorMessage": "Asset Attribute modifications must be performed in parent's context; parent ID #91297", "ErrorCode": "BUSINESS_LOGIC_ERROR", "TimeStamp": "2024-04-02T23:14:53.0116448Z" } ``` <br> and using PUT request ```curl curl --location --request PUT 'https://am-ce913a.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/Location' \ --header 'CompanyName: Sandbox Whole Foods' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJBdX...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Cookie: nav_track=d-c7bqoDvKh23*6uusMHgHPjyCDVqt9CSidnHkPjr*AptXHUx6aMmEfDYNpsQqCPi-d' \ --data '{ "Properties": [ "Attributes.*" ], "Entity": { "Attribute": [], "Id": 91297 } }' ``` Response: ```json { "EntitySpecifier": { "EntityType": "Location", "Id": 91297 } } ``` But when retrieving the asset details I found nothing changes! ```json { "Entities": [ { "Data": { "Name": "Unit", "ModelId": 4243, "Orphan": false, "TypeId": "Equipment", "ParentId": 0, "RootId": 0, "IsTemplate": false, "IsOffline": false, "IsLocked": false, "IsRestricted": false, "Attributes": [ { "Descriptor": { "Type": "Phone", "Name": "Test #", "IsHistory": false, "DisplayInWorkOrder": false, "IsRemoved": false, "ConcurrencyId": 2, "Id": 10303 }, "AssetId": 91297, "TopAssetId": 91297, "CurrencyTypeId": "Unknown", "Value": "9721234567", "ConcurrencyId": 3, "Id": 53128 } ], "IsDirectParts": false, "IncludeNonControllableExpenses": true, "CriticalFacilities": "Inherit", "Id": 91297 } } ] } ``` <br>

Getting the path of property assets

![](https://files.readme.io/d928f78-image.png) What the query used to get the path of all assets in the property like this picture when exporting property data?

Updating a WorkOrder CustomField

Hi, I am trying to update a Custom Field on a workorder using the Corrigo Enterprise Base API. I think I am close to achieving it, but am missing something. I am basing my call on the WorkOrder example in the "PUT" page in the documentation: <https://developer.corrigo.com/reference/put> My URL is: <https://CURRENTAPIURL.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/WorkOrder?=> HTTP/1.1 The WO Id is 68604, and the CustomField descriptor is 184 I am trying to update the WO CustomField value to "N/A" My query attempt is: { "Properties": ["CustomFields.*"], "Entity":{"Id": 68064}, {"Descriptor": {"Id": 184}, "ObjectId": 68064, "ObjectTypeId": "WO", "Value": "N/A"} } And the response is: { "ErrorMessage": "'body' field is null or empty", "ErrorCode": "EMPTY_INPUT_PARAMETER", "TimeStamp": "2024-03-30T18:16:46.2437084Z" } I can't yet see what I am doing wrong on this, if anyone can point it out that would be most helpful. Thanks for looking at this <br>

Uploading a document to a WorkOrder from SharePoit (or binary)

Hi, I am trying to upload a document to a WorkOrder using the base API. I am able to upload a URL link to the document with a query based on the sample in the API Reference guide (my working query is show in the Postman screenshots below. However, what I can't see in the documentation is how to: 1. Upload an actual PDF and store it in the WO, from a file and/or web location (likely SharePoint), or 2. Upload a actual PDF from a binary of the PDF that I have extracted from an email attachment I expect the key properties are a. StorageTypeId b. DocURL (or this property may change depending on the StorageTypeId) Any help how to upload actual PDFs from a location or a binary would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again GrahamGra ![](https://files.readme.io/68c84b2-image.png) ![](https://files.readme.io/1e7cea2-image.png)

Update WorkOrder StatusId via base API

Hi, I'm looking at updating WorkOrders via the base API, specifically these actions for now: 1. Adding a document to the WorkOrder 2. Updating the StatusId (normally to mark as closed) 3. "Complete" a WorkOrder, adding a note of the work performed and backdating the action This initial query is re my attempts to update the StatusId Using the base API, I am trying to update a WO with Id = 68604 to "Cancelled" I've pasted below may basic query in Postman. The response I am getting is: { "ErrorMessage": "'body' field is null or empty", "ErrorCode": "EMPTY_INPUT_PARAMETER", "TimeStamp": "2024-03-15T16:54:26.6449587Z" } Does anyone know what input paramter I am missing here? Thanks, Graham ![](https://files.readme.io/e436c66-image.png) ![](https://files.readme.io/8073dbf-image.png)

Default Price List for customer/contract

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me find where to get a value from via the Query API. In Corrigo application, there are some exports available under "Admin & Settings > Import/Export". One of these has name = "Contracts". The output has a default price list linked to each customer's contract. Does anyone know where I can get this same information via the API? I can't find a default price list linked to either contract or customer. Thanks for any help you can give.


Hi, If I look at Team Time Cards ("week by day" view, or "week by labour" view), there is a column headed "WO Labour". This seems to have the total of the labour on the WO, and it can differ from the "TC Labour" value, which is the time on the time card. My question is, where does the report get the "WO Total" from? I want to be able to do a reconciliation of WO time against TC time, and it would seem this "WO total" must the sum of durations coming from an entity - but which entity? Thank you for your help