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Updating a WorkOrder CustomField


I am trying to update a Custom Field on a workorder using the Corrigo Enterprise Base API.

I think I am close to achieving it, but am missing something.

I am basing my call on the WorkOrder example in the "PUT" page in the documentation:

My URL is:
https://CURRENTAPIURL.corrigo.com/api/v1/base/WorkOrder?= HTTP/1.1

The WO Id is 68604, and the CustomField descriptor is 184

I am trying to update the WO CustomField value to "N/A"

My query attempt is:
"Properties": ["CustomFields.*"],
"Entity":{"Id": 68064},
{"Id": 184},
"ObjectId": 68064,
"ObjectTypeId": "WO",
"Value": "N/A"}

And the response is:
{ "ErrorMessage": "'body' field is null or empty",
"TimeStamp": "2024-03-30T18:16:46.2437084Z"

I can't yet see what I am doing wrong on this, if anyone can point it out that would be most helpful.

Thanks for looking at this