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Sending completion Note details with completion status payload

it’s not clear how to combine my existing payload with the new, since some parameters (like comment), were in both.

Right now we are sending this body to: https://am-helper.corrigo.com/jll-wfs/Execute

"Region": "AM",
"commandRequest": {
"type": 'WoCompleteCommand',
"Comment": "WO Completed",
"WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID

You provided:

"Command": {
"WorkOrderId": "1674" ,
"Comment": "Demo completion note",
"CompletionNoteOption": 2

Is all I need to add to my payload this piece - ""CompletionNoteOption": 2"? So, my final would look like this:

"Region": "AM",
"commandRequest": {
"type": 'WoCompleteCommand',
"Comment": "WO Completed",
"WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID
"CompletionNoteOption": 2

And would the value always be 2? Just let me know – thanks!