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Retrieving Task Details with RetrieveMultiple() is failing


The code we have been using successfully for multiple integrations to retrieve the task details - RetreiveMultiple() (code below) - is failing for a new client setup with the error:

Exception: Index was outside the bounds of the array

What is the best way to determine if the client data needs some additional setup to help resolve this problem?



string taskCode = "03.0011.0008";

var taskResults = corrigoService.RetrieveMultiple(  
	new CORRIGO.QueryExpression {  
  	EntityType = CORRIGO.EntityType.Task,  
    PropertySet =  
    new CORRIGO.AllProperties(),  
    Count = 0,    
    FirstResultIndex = 0,      
    Criteria = new CORRIGO.FilterExpression() {
     	FilterOperator = CORRIGO.LogicalOperator.And,
      Conditions = new[] {
       	new CORRIGO.ConditionExpression() {
         	PropertyName = "Number",
         	Values = new object[] {
          Operator = CORRIGO.ConditionOperator.Equal

    Distinct = true,

    Orders = new[] {
     	new CORRIGO.OrderExpression {
      	OrderType = CORRIGO.OrderType.Descending,
        PropertyName = "Id"