Error using query endpoint
over 2 years ago by David Baldi
When I used Query API, I get an error message getting the list of WorkOrder Custom Fields,
it looks like some issue in using ActoryType in condition, I tried ObjectTypeId = “WO” , it returns
"ErrorMessage": "Input string was not in a correct format.",
"TimeStamp": "2022-02-23T20:39:32.1179262Z"
and ObjectTypeId = “13”, it returns empty response.
request POST 'https://am-ce97c.corrigo.com/api/v1/query/CustomField2'
--header 'CompanyName: Corrigo Demo'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx
"Criteria": {
"Conditions": [
"PropertyName": "ObjectTypeId",
"Operator": "Equal",
"Values": ["WO"]
"FilterOperator": "And"
"Distinct": true,
"PropertySet": { "Properties" : ["*", "Descriptor.*"]},
"Count": 50 ,
"FirstResultIndex": 0